The Stockman bust was created in 1867 by Frédéric Stockman, jeune sculpteur ancien élève de Lavigne, inventeur du buste en papier mâché. Malgré des débuts modestes, visionnaire, Frédéric Stockman comprend très vite que des bustes représentant des gabarits pré-établis seront d’une grande utilité pour les tailleurs.
Little by little the company grew and settled in the 17th arrondissement in Paris, at 150 rue Legendre. Since the beginning, Stockman busts have been made entirely by hand using the technique of embossed or hollow molded papier-mâché, before being stapled, sanded, then padded and covered with linen or cotton canvas. The bust is then marked with the Stockman logo and the model and size indications.

En 1900, Stockman, s’appuyant sur le développement de la confection et de la consommation, vend environ 30.000 bustes par an. Quelques années auparavant, Frédéric Stockman s’est associé avec Monsieur Siegel, spécialiste des mannequins réalistes et des porte accessoires en métal. La société devient alors « SIEGEL & STOCKMAN » et s’installe à Saint-Ouen, à côté de Paris, dans une grande usine.
The SIEGEL brand particularly distinguished itself during the Art Deco period. The 1920s and 1930s were very prosperous and Siegel equipped most of the Parisian stores. At the same time, Stockman supplied busts to all the emerging fashion houses and notably created, in 1947, the Dior bust that would accompany the entire famous New Look collection. Crossing the decades, and largely outliving its founders, the SIEGEL & STOCKMAN company experienced the few adventures that make up the anecdotes of the great houses (among others, two spectacular fires).
In the early 1980s, the company set up its workshops in Gennevilliers, in the Hauts de Seine, near Paris. The showroom, after rue Réaumur and Boulevard Voltaire in Paris, settled permanently at 163 rue du faubourg Saint-Honoré in the 8th arrondissement, a prestigious district of the capital. This is where Stockman brilliantly began the 21st century. Around twenty experienced workers, who passionately pass on their know-how to new generations, ensure the continuity of the Stockman brand.
Siegel & Stockman fêtera en 2017 ses 150 ans d’existence !